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Writing Samples

Here you'll find various writing samples from different places I've written for over the years, hyperlinked in each picture for your convenience! They should provide an overarching view of my range, from entertainment, news, and social media to technical writing and data analysis.

EventHubs Logo PNG


Enterprise Journalism

While I covered many breaking pieces and pop news stories during my time with EventHubs, I specialized as the only writer on-staff pursuing Enterprise Journalism. This is one of my more popular pieces, centered around hand-health issues present in the competitive Super Smash Bros. community. Check my name in the byline for a full repository of my writing there!


Search Engine Optimization

Part of my contract work with Metafy was devoted to overhauling the site's textual content, matching the casual brand voice with better Search Engine Optimization. This includes page Headers, Game Descriptions, General Site Copy, and more, using Ahrefs. Work was performed alongside Metafy's growth team.


Harrisburg University

Social Media Marketing

The entirety of my time with the Storm was spent organically marketing the program. Our major HUE events were no exception, requiring months of preparation, data analysis, and execution within proper brand voice guidelines. Creative methods were used from 2019-2021 to leverage our relationships with other teams to bolster our engagement!

Harrisburg University x InvenGlobal

Press Release

InvenGlobal was a key press partner during my time at Harrisburg University, and this is an example of a piece they made based on a press release after we won the collegiate Overwatch National Championship a 2nd year in a row. I provided the graphics and social media posting for this piece, and gave guidance on the original press release to verify its details.

InvenGlobal Press Release HU Storm National Championship
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